Maddie and her friend Molly try their hand at inventing a new gourmet desert! Maddie ended her 7th grade year with a bang, raising $1200 for the Cystic Fibrosis Walk. She is a talented young lady!
Jesse won Best Supporting Actor, Best Rookie Actor, and was awarded a chance to be the Student Director of next year's Children's Play, another great honor and unheard of for a Sophmore. Here he is with his friend Zane in the "Wizard of Oz." Jesse was the Mayor of Munchkin City.
Chris and Kurt at the '05 Indy 500! It was a great race! We saw lots of action including 4-5 crashes and Danica Patrick, the best-finishing woman driver in history. It was a beautiful day and great fun!
St. Michael's CYO Indianapolis Runners-Up Spring '05. Jimmy's team had a great season!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Jeese's band Mercury has had two gigs in two weeks. They played an hour set Sunday at a fund raiser for a girl paralyzed from a drunk driver accident. See their website at: