Sunday, May 29, 2005

Maddie and her friend Molly try their hand at inventing a new gourmet desert! Maddie ended her 7th grade year with a bang, raising $1200 for the Cystic Fibrosis Walk. She is a talented young lady! Posted by Hello

Jesse won Best Supporting Actor, Best Rookie Actor, and was awarded a chance to be the Student Director of next year's Children's Play, another great honor and unheard of for a Sophmore. Here he is with his friend Zane in the "Wizard of Oz." Jesse was the Mayor of Munchkin City. Posted by Hello

Chris and Kurt at the '05 Indy 500! It was a great race! We saw lots of action including 4-5 crashes and Danica Patrick, the best-finishing woman driver in history. It was a beautiful day and great fun! Posted by Hello

St. Michael's CYO Indianapolis Runners-Up Spring '05. Jimmy's team had a great season! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Jeese's band Mercury has had two gigs in two weeks. They played an hour set Sunday at a fund raiser for a girl paralyzed from a drunk driver accident. See their website at: Posted by Hello