Maddie's St. M's volleyball team closed out their season with an exciting win over St Lawerence Sunday, and celebrated at Starbucks. As they roll into the tournament let's hope they keep this winning spirit alive! So much fun!
Chris decided to straighten her hair for the first time. Wow, a whole new girl! Here she is running the microphone at the Reverse Raffle. She's back to curly today, but one never knows what the future holds...
Welcome to little Carlos! We went to Chicago to visit our new (and first!) Great Nephew! And he was GREAT. Never fussy, always just a little angel. Jenny and Omar are doing fine and getting settled in their new apartment, and they make quite a cute little family!
Jesse and Andrew get ready for a Comedy Sportz Improv match. This is a lot like Drew Carrey's TV Show, except for high school teams of 5-6 students. We got to see a match at the Indianapolis Comedy Sportz arena and laughed uproariously!